Terravessa lot maps and restrictions/covenants are provided for your convenience and subject to change. (All files are in PDF format)
LOTS 342-450
LOTS 270-341
LOTS 237-269
LOTS 1-236
DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS & RESTRICTIONS4TH ADDITION 10.29.24 3RD ADDITION 10.31.23 2ND ADDITION 11.07.22 1ST ADDITION 07.16.19 Amendment 10.31.23 (alleyway access & utility easements) |
Amendment 02.11.21 |
Amendment 02.10.21 (alleyway access & utility easements) |
Amendment 10.15.20 (fences) |
Amendment 01.02.20 |
Amendment 12.09.19 |
Plan Approval Form (includes Fitchburg SmartCode application) |